
  • Prizes for Science and Technology (Research Category) — “Mathematical modeling on directable image synthesis”
    Ken Anjyo (CTO, OLM Digital, Inc.), Hiroyuki Ochiai (Professor Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University), Yoshinori Dobashi, Associate Professor, Hokkaido University
    The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, 2014.4
  • ACM Service Award — In appreciation for contributions to ACM co-chair, Digital Production Symposium (DigiPro2012)
    Ken Anjyo
    ACM, 2012.8
  • Best Paper Award — “A Data-Driven Approach for Creating a Fluid Animation from a Single Image”
    Makoto Okabe, Ken Anjyo, Rikio Onai
    Information Processing Society, Special Interest Group for Graphics and CAD, 2011.6
  • Best Paper Award — “Stylized Depiction of Images Based on Depth Perception”
    Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Jorge Jimenez, Sunil Hadap, Erik Reinhard, Ken Anjyo, Diego Gutierrez
    NPAR: Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2010, 2010.6
  • The 22nd Digital Contents Grand Prix Technical Achievement Award — “LoCoStySh (Locally Controllable Stylized Shading)”
    OLM Digital, Inc. (Ken Anjyo, Yosuke Katsura, William Baxter), Univ. of Tokyo (Hideki Todo, Takeo Igarashi)
    DCAJ (Digital Content Association of Japan), 2007.10
  • ACM Service Award — In appreciation for contribution as a program co-chair of ACM SCA’05: Symposium on Computer Animation 2005
    Ken Anjyo
    ACM, 2006.2
  • Paper Award — “Elastic body animation using physics-oriented interpolation”
    Ryo Kondo, Takashi Kanai, Ken Anjyo
    Information Processing Society, Special Interest Group for Graphics and CAD, 2005.8
  • Paper Award — “Modeling Crowd: A descriptive method of interaction among crowd and their environment in a virtual city”
    Munenori Unuma, Ken Anjyo, Ryozo Takeuchi
    The institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 1996.6
  • Paper Award — “Mathmatical Models for Modeling Natural Objects and Scene in Computer Graphics”
    Ken Anjyo, Ryozo Takeuchi, Takeshi Sato
    The Institude of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 1994.6
  • Eurographics 89 Slide Award — “Heterogeneous Spectral Landscape”
    Ken Anjyo
    Eurographics, 1988.9