

Welcome! This website showcases a wide range of my involvement in computer graphics and mathematics, featuring research papers, computer animations, films, talks, and books.

News | Upcoming Talks & Events

Commemorative Invited Talk :NICOGRAPH2024 [2024.11.8-10]
Talk title is "How CG Changes Our Perspective".
Talk at Tokyo Metropolitan University [2024.7.12]
Talk title is "Your view into Math! - Case studies and future directions".
Technical Survey: The Toon Shader for Anime and Beyond
A technical survey was published in the Journal of IEICE (February 2024 issue).
Elevating the Experience: Contributing to SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 as Featured Sessions Chair!
SIGGRAPH Asia returns to Tokyo in December 2024! Featured Sessions focus on the current hot topics related to computer graphics and interactive techniques. Let's all work together to make SA24 a success!
Talk Session: INTER BEE IGNITION × DCEXPO [2023.11.17]
June Kim (SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Sydney Conference Chair) will also give an update on SA23.

*For news and Events in Japanese only, please see the Japanese page.

Recent Publications

Technical Paper

Saliency detection for large-scale mesh decimation
Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos, Richard Andrew Roberts, Benjamin Allen, Joaquim Jorge, Ken Anjyo,
Computers & Graphics, Volume 111, April 2023, Pages 63-76
