

Welcome! This website showcases a wide range of my involvement in computer graphics and mathematics, featuring research papers, computer animations, films, talks, and books.

News | Upcoming Talks & Events

Interview Article: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024
This is a detailed report by Lesterbanks.com.
Ken Anjyo’s Program Highlights at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024【2024.12.3-6】
I will be participating in several programs: presentations at Technical Communications and BOF programs, chairing Featured Sessions, and introducing a new project.
Commemorative Invited Talk :NICOGRAPH2024 [2024.11.8-10]
Talk title is "How CG Changes Our Perspective".
Talk at Tokyo Metropolitan University [2024.7.12]
Talk title is "Your view into Math! - Case studies and future directions".
Technical Survey: The Toon Shader for Anime and Beyond
A technical survey was published in the Journal of IEICE (February 2024 issue).

*For news and Events in Japanese only, please see the Japanese page.

Recent Publications

Technical Paper

Saliency detection for large-scale mesh decimation
Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos, Richard Andrew Roberts, Benjamin Allen, Joaquim Jorge, Ken Anjyo,
Computers & Graphics, Volume 111, April 2023, Pages 63-76
